Conuty Line Town Hall


County Line Town Council Meetings Minutes.

  • The regularly scheduled Town Council Meetings are held the second Monday of each month and begin at 7:00 PM. The public is invited to attend all Town Council meetings. This is your government, and we encourage attendance of our citizens.

  • Special Town Council Meeting will be called as needed. When possible, Notice of a Special Town Council Meetings will be posted on the door of Town Hall at least 72 hours before the Special Town Council Meeting is to be held.

  • Town Council meeting minutes will only be posted after the minutes have been approved by the Town Council.

  • Minutes from 1988 thru 2020, except 1997 and 2003, have been added and are available for review from the menu to the left.

  • Minutes for 1997 and 2003 are unavailable at this time, but will be added if they become available.